About Us
Every co-working space has its own character. Connecting our members with one another and the West Allegheny community is the MYB Hub hallmark. Yes, we do have a bright, open space filled with natural light and plants. We do provide free local coffee, and there’s plenty of street parking. We are centrally located in the West Allegheny neighborhood. We do offer our monthly members 24/7 access. And that’s a lot of great stuff!
But building community both inside and outside our office walls is where our passion lies. As Philly becomes home. To more startups and tech businesses, and as remote work supplants company office jobs, we seek to provide a space where these workers and business owners can create a prosperous local economy together.
We don’t just want a rich community inside of MYB Hub though. We work to help our members and their businesses plug into the Philly creator economy and startup community. That’s why we partner with various organizations including 1Philadelphia, North Philadelphia Progress Fund and Founders First Capital Partnersto provide resources, and promotional support. We want to help our members, many of them new to entrepreneurship connect with their community in a meaningful way.
It’s not all giving back, though. Other community partners such as The Merchant Fund and Zenith Wealth Partners can help our member entrepreneurs connect with resources and scale their business to attract revenue.
Sitting next to someone all day while you both work diligently at your respective tasks doesn’t always build connection. To that end, we host several weekly and monthly events to give members a chance to know one another. Our recurring events include:
Wellness Wednesdays
Every Wednesday we’ll feature a wellness event whether it’s yoga, stretching, healthy eating tips and more.
Donut/bagel Friday
Sometimes it’s donuts, sometimes it’s bagels, sometimes it’s a North Philly favorite Denise’s Delicacies. We always have something yummy for members to gather around and much on Friday mornings.
Pop up Shops
Monthly we’ll host a vendor fair featuring members showcasing their products and services.
Female Founders Pitch Night
The Female Founders Pitch competition encourages 5-7 female-founded tech or tech-enabled startups to pitch for resources to help launch new or existing business ideas into the marketplace in Philadelphia, PA.

We’ve teamed up with the following local organizations to provide opportunities, connection, and fun for our members. Bonus: our members, involvement helps these organizations thrive.